Chiropractors are trained to identify and address musculoskeletal imbalances that contribute to hiatal hernias and pelvic floor dysfunction. By gently adjusting the spine and pelvis, chiropractors can help restore proper alignment and function, relieving pressure on muscles, as well as use techniques to help restore proper positioning and function.

​Soft Tissue Manipulation for Hiatal Hernia
A Chiropractor's hiatal hernia technique involves gently pulling the stomach back down into its proper position below the diaphragm. This non-invasive procedure can help relieve symptoms of a hiatal hernia, such as heartburn and acid reflux.
How it works
The patient takes a few deep breaths to relax.
The chiropractor places their fingers on the patient's stomach as they inhale.
The chiropractor gently pushes the stomach down as the patient exhales.
What to expect
The patient may be positioned standing or reclined.
Some short-term discomfort may occur during the adjustment.
Most patients experience immediate relief.
Patients may hear and feel the stomach gurgling fora few minutes after the the adjustment.
Multiple adjustments may be needed to achieve optimal results.
A hiatal hernia occurs when the upper part of the stomach bulges through the diaphragm. The chiropractic technique relieves pressure on the hiatus by returning the stomach to its natural position.
​Soft Tissue Manipulation for Prolapsing Uterus or Bladder
A Chiropractor's prolapsing uterus or bladder technique involves gently pushing the uterus or bladder into its proper position above the pubic bone. This non-invasive procedure can help relieve symptoms of a prolapsed uterus or bladder, such as urinary incontinence and pressure in the vagina. We often recommend strengthening the pelvic floor and/or refer out to a pelvic floor PT.
How it works
The patient takes a few deep breaths to relax.
The chiropractor places the heel of their hand above the patient's pubic bone as they inhale.
The chiropractor gently pushes the uterus or bladder up as the patient exhales. Sometimes a drop table is utilized in more stubborn cases.
What to expect
The patient will be lying on their back, flat on the table. Sometimes knees are bent, other times not.
Some short-term discomfort may occur during the adjustment.
Most patients experience immediate relief.
Multiple adjustments may be needed to achieve optimal results.
A uterine or bladder prolapse occurs when either one of these organs begin to "fall"with either lack of internal muscle tone or often after a pregnancy or hysterectomy. The chiropractic technique relieves pressure by returning the uterus or bladder to its natural position.