Applied kinesiology
muscle testing
Applied Kinesiology is a system that evaluates structural, chemical, and mental aspects of health by using a method referred to as muscle response testing or manual muscle testing alongside conventional diagnostic methods.

Applied Kinesiology (AK) is a safe and non-invasive diagnostic system using muscle testing as a tool for evaluating neurological function. The methodology focuses primarily on neuromuscular function as it relates to the structural, chemical and neurological regulatory mechanisms. Muscle testing assesses the impact of the nervous system on patient health, helping AK practitioners look for the source of disease in the balance of the sensory system with the motor system.
Applied Kinesiology uses functional assessment measures such as posture and gait analysis, manual muscle testing as functional neurologic evaluation, range of motion, static palpation, and motion analysis. These assessments are used in conjunction with standard methods of diagnosis, such as clinical history, physical examination findings, laboratory tests, and instrumentation to develop a clinical impression of the unique physiologic condition of each patient
Licensed healthcare professionals (Chiropractors, Naturopaths, Ostepaths, Dentists, Acupuncturists, Integrative Medical Doctors, etc.) use Applied Kinesiology to identify the source for muscle and joint pain as well as structural and gastrointestinal issues which can often be treated affordably. Many patients with complex conditions have turned to Applied Kinesiology when nothing else has worked for them.