bio-geometric integration
Bio-Geometric Integration (BGI) is an honoring approach to chiropractic that incorporates low force contacts with gentle structural adjustments to help the body remember that it has the ability to:
release stored tension
create new strategies for coping with stresses in each moment
increase physical and emotional flexibility
experience a greater sense of well-being
Discovered and developed by Dr. Sue Brown, D.C., Bio-Geometric Integration (BGI) is an integrative approach to the science, philosophy, and art of chiropractic. BGI provides chiropractors with a greater understanding of the body’s innate geometry and connectivity, enabling them to more effectively release subluxations and assess the effectiveness of each adjustment.
Traditionally in chiropractic the subluxation (interference of the optimal expression of your system resulting from physical, biochemical, or psychological distress) is viewed strictly in terms of compression or stretching on the nerves and spinal cord by a misaligned vertebrae. BGI expands the traditional definition to incorporate the soft tissues and energetic system.
Understanding the body’s energetic system allows us to better understand the causes and purposes of subluxations. Each day, your body is subject to an enormous array of energetic experiences, which affect it on physical, chemical, mental and emotional levels. When an experience is unable to integrate, it is stored as a subluxation. Chiropractic adjustments allow the energy from a subluxation to be released and integrated into your body.
Understanding the geometry also allows your chiropractor to assess and prioritize all your subluxation patterns, so that each may be attended to at the best time for your body, creating maximum opportunity for self-healing and memory in your body. Because as your chiropractor we want to see you truly healing, and creating changes that last, not being dependent on the adjustments for change.
We know that all healing comes from within the body. The purpose of chiropractic care is to guide and allow healing. Once you become aware of how chiropractors use BGI to approach this process, you are able to truly participate in your care. Not just while you’re on the adjusting table, but as you make the choices that create each day, and ultimately, your own state of wellness.